Guest CT Call for Down This Road Designs
Do you want to be a guest on my Creative Team? Do you love my designs
and want to work with them and promote them?
*One layout or hybrid project per new release
*Be active in my private CT forum
*Post layouts at ScrapMatters and two other galleries of your choice.
*Layouts must be posted on your blog with credits if you have a blog.
*Enable my products 4 times a month
*1 blog or newsletter article a month
*Guest spots will run from January 15, 2015 to March 15, 2012
*Guests may be offered a permanent spot after the Guest term
Subject: Guest CT Call
by January 15th with the following information:
*Name, Forum usernames, and CT obligations
*Link to your most complete gallery and a link to a layout using my designs
*A little about yourself and tell my why you would like to be part of my team.
Store at ScrapMatters
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